The Film Catalogue
Boathouse Detectives

Boathouse Detectives

Family | English | 90 minutes


Artist View Entertainment

Cast & Crew


Eric Hendershot


Eric Hendershot


Eric Hendershot


Ella Harris, Oscar Hoggan



When seven year-old Anna McKenzie learns that her wicked stepmother plans to send her little dog Toby to the pound and her off to boarding school she does the unexpected. Desperate to contact her Grandma, she writes a letter, ties it to a helium filled birthday balloon, then sets it free from a third-story attic window.

Soon the balloon, with the letter still attached, falls gradually from the sky and is discovered floating in a pond by ten year-old Gage Williams. Alarmed by Anna’s desperate message Gage summons his friends to their floating clubhouse on the pond. With only a handful of clues the young detectives set out on the adventure of their lives hoping to find Anna and reunite her with her Grandma.

BOATHOUSE DETECTIVES is the exciting tale of four unlikely heroes on an extraordinary mission and every minute counts. Dead ends, false leads, mistaken identities, and near misses energize this high octane, kid driven adventure that the entire family will enjoy.

Completion Year

