Easy Does It

Easy Does It

Action/Adventure, Comedy, Heist, Road Movie | English | 97 minutes

Las Entreprise

MultiVisionnaire Pictures

Cast & Crew


Will Addison


Lizzie Guitreau, Alexa Georges


Ben Matheny


Linda Hamilton, Bryan Batt, Dwight Henry, Matthew Martinez, Ben Matheny, Susan Gordon, John Goodman


Two dimwitted buddies, Jack and Scotties, embark on a cross-country adventure from Mississippi to California in pursuit of some buried treasure and the American Dream. Broke and desperate, these two not-so-natural-born killers somehow stumble into national notoriety as public enemies number one and two by robbing their way through America, accidentally kidnapping a hostage, killing a cop, and getting the deranged bounty huntress King George hot on their trail. They get more than what they've bargained for and it's going to be a race to the bullet-riddled finish.

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